We are keen to involve our patients in our PCN development. We encourage you to join or liaise with your practice Patient Participation Group. From time to time the PCN will conduct a patient survey to find out what is important to you, what services you would like to see or be increase and what you like and don`t like.
A PCN is designed to free up time for GPs as up to a third of appointments do not need to be with a family doctor. By recruiting other clinical specialists it will allow the GPs to focus more on supporting patients with the greatest needs and the most-complex conditions, offering longer appointments to those who need them.
GP practices will be able to drive further action on detecting and preventing conditions such as cancer and heart disease, as well as doing more to tackle obesity, diabetes and mental ill health, and support older people at home and in care homes.
PCNs are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan for improving services, published in 2019. They will bring billions of pounds in extra investment nationwide to sustain general practice in the short term and to improve access and care in the longer term.